The vast opportunities that are being presented to us at this time do not come often on this earthly plane. The Wisdom Keepers are stepping forward in large masses to support you as you open your eyes to a world unlike any other you have known. These Wisdom Keepers are here to support your awakening (if you so choose, many will not). They come in many physical forms. This is another lesson in understanding that the inner being is where the focus of connection should be made. The external form is a personal life journey – how you are to walk on this earth and experience all that you do. The internal being holds the key, wisdom and ancestral knowing that we can call upon at any time, as often as we choose.

We, each of us, all of us, have access to this inner connection and now more than ever before you will feel it tugging at you. The desire to go within and tap in to this infinite, unconditional and vast shift in humanity will become stronger now in your own life. Grasp the opportunities that are being offered to you and take each step through this experience.

Miss nothing. See everything. Be present. Now more than ever before. It is such a gift to let go of all that has bound and burdened you. This heaviness prevents you from engaging fully into all of your experiences. All the false tools (drugs/alcohol) that have been used for so many years, as a way to seek out the ability to feel good yet going beyond the deeper emotions of truth. This diversion/abandonment creates disease and emotional disharmony.

These tools (stimulants) have served a purpose for many in the disjointed energies we have been surrounded by until now. During this Turning Point, the energies are truly aligned for you to reach these Divine connections through heart centered and loving abundance. Engage fully and completely with yourself and community, including the immense power of nature at this time of complete alignment.

Dare to be different. Dare to be vulnerable. Dare to be loved in a way that is true to all inner beings who are willing connect as one.

Much Love, Echoe (Jan. 29, 2018)