Personalised Mentorship With Your Animal Companions

This online program brings in your beloved animal companions, whether they are here on Earth and in Spirit.  They see our lives from a non-judgemental perspective, they know who we are and where we limit ourselves through our belief systems.   The reflection they create brings about a realisation of how we have told ourselves outdated stories that are no longer true, yet we continue to live life from them.  Your animal’s wisdom will enhance and deepen your experience of self, and those heart felt aha moments blend into your every day life.  These sessions offer an amazing journey of exploration and self discovery. From their heart to yours, the animals will bring personalised insight to guide these sessions and bring about your soul’s reawakening.  Ready?

Echoe and Dasher have been the most amazing wake-up guides I could have asked for.  Their loving yet focused ways of guiding my life into knowing WHO I AM and HOW I SHOW UP, has transformed my life into one of trust, belief, knowing, standing in my empowered self and showing up lovingly transparent.  I have learned to seek the truth and unveil life in wonderful and sometimes mysterious ways.  Echoe first met me when I was empty, lacking self esteem, confidence and with no voice!  Step by step, day by day over 21 years, his path of opening me up was the most incredible journey of all.  Dasher was by his side for 13 years, teaching me to let go of neediness, and to build a bond that transcended physical connection, into one of deep love and feel.  Together they were a power house of support and love like I have never experienced at that time.

The Enhanced Mentorship Program EXTENDED 20% discount is available until the end of April 2024

Choose your package here:  Awakening the Wisdom Within – Mentorship Program | Nikoe Natural Therapies

Schedule this unique experience by emailing Michele

Your animal companions have created a dedication and passion that has been my heart felt focus for over 20 years. This experience has been a HUGE part of my personal growth.  Therefore tailoring your session to include and call in your animal companions will expand and facilitate the support and guidance to learn more about who you truly are.

My dearest companions, Echoe, Dasher, Shekinah, Houston, Bella and the amazing senior cats who came to be in my life, all brought the most Soul expanding lessons. Sunshine continues to shine her heart light touching myself and others with her divine goddess teachings and her heart connection which brings so much love into my world!  Maui brings his own unique teachings and our bond has become one of deeper intuitive communication, seeking answers together as we navigate our new time in England!

And as I became more willing to look at myself in a different light, these incredible animals shared their heart felt wisdom. I am who I am today (and still learning) because of this deep willingness to explore my own life’s journey.


Choose your package here:  Awakening the Wisdom Within – Mentorship Program | Nikoe Natural Therapies