Sunshine’s Friends Program

Sunshine is a 13 year old miniature horse.  She has been in the family for 12 years.  During this time she has had an affinity for kids and people of all ages. She has fans in New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts and North Carolina.  Her desire to be part of and create workshops to empower women to stand in their fullest self, has been profound, transformative experiences for those in attendance.  Her kind, yet no-nonsense way brings the opportunity to release limitations and, like her, honor who you are. She loves to touch the hearts of whoever she meets. 


Since relocating to England in 2023, we are ready to welcome opportunities to visit your hospice, school or children’s charity.  Please contact us at or 07950 593637
This program focuses on embracing Sunshine and her gift of bringing confidence, wonderment and joy to kids.  She stands quietly and patiently as kids who are shy or less confident feel her gentleness and begin to open up to her. She has quite the following, including the parents who have also been interacting with her.
If your School, Home schooling group, Special Education teams are looking for something a little different for enrichment and learning through interaction, we invite you to reach out.
Click on the photo below to watch Sunshine during her December 2022 event
“12 Days of Sunshine”