Meet Echoe and his Words of Wisdom

Welcome to Echoe’s (aka Playboys Image) profound insight, foresight and deep ancient wisdom.  From Atlantis to Today, from Earth to the Unseen Realms, Echoe has shared many words of inspiration and guidance.

In 2012, Michele and Echoe began to write a book together.  Channeled by Echoe, the story of their lives together unfold, and the magical lessons learned along the way.  Each chapter focuses on how Echoe guided Michele and the premise of this book is to show others the incredible, loving, deep and profound relationship we can have with our equine companions.  “The Rock – Destiny Through the Eyes of a Horse” is now available.

His Words of Wisdom have been shared on Social Media for over a decade.

His channeled Wisdom ‘BE PURPOSEFUL!’ is as true today as it was when Echoe originally shared it in 5/15/17

Be Purposeful!

To think is to deny your intuitive guidance.  To think is to distract from that which you are aligned to do. To think is to delay the synchronicity of events. To wait just one second changes the outcome.  To decide to take action means you don’t trust on some level, you have doubt or you don’t believe in the choices you are making. In humanity you have become disconnected from your own unconditional guidance system. It’s the one you were born with, the one you have always had from lifetime to lifetime. It has and will always serve you well, it will take you through your challenges so as to learn from the experience. It is not there to fail you or make you suffer – remember you wrote your contract in this life and you can live by it or even change it if you so choose. Your in instinct is real, as real as the skin on your body. It is thee for the purpose of being in touch with your deep knowing experienced through lifetimes, it provides you with a clear and heartfelt intent to walk your path with you head held high. The balance to be human and stay true to your natural abilities to know, see, feel and respond to life is the evolution that this lifetime brings.

We are in a time of continued change. Its time for you to make the heart connection and the primal links to all that has come before you.

Each step you take has meaning, has purpose, has reason. Bring yourself into your body now and deep into your heart. Breathe, feel, experience. Breathe, feel, experience. In this time of great change it is important to remain connected to your body, be grounded, feel your feet when you walk, stay present to where you are or who you are in conversation with in that moment.

Grounding and being present will enrich your experience and support you through any challenges.

Remember you are always surrounded by those energies who support you and guide you. Take time each day to be quiet, to honor and thank them, to ask for their wisdom, to be present in their energy. Breathe them in to every cell of your being.

Walk with purpose today, each step, each action, each choice. Let it flow without thought, let your forward motion or sudden desire to do something be honored and done. I challenge you to do one thing today that is from instinct, intuition or opportunity. Sometimes the right moment is this very moment. Your day will wait for you and synchronize as it needs to. Be purposeful, Be spontaneous – WOOP IT UP!