Nature’s Oracle Deck

What is Natures Oracle Deck?

We welcome you to an Interactive Oracle Deck.  An easy way to receive guidance as often as you would like.  The images below link to wisdom through Animals and Nature. It’s fun and inspirational…….Ava loved to be in the energy of Oracle cards.

We are ONE with Nature, the answers and messages we seek are all around us. As you continue to awaken your heart’s connection to ALL, notice the Nature or Animal beings who show up. They magically appear before you.  This is Natures Oracle Deck. Within life’s challenges, pitfalls and emotional upset is an opportunity to take a breath, connect to your heart and ASK or YELL or PRAY for guidance. It will come and usually in very unexpected ways. Your heart will soften as each step is laid out for you. Movement is key, whether its physical through walking, yoga, Tai Chi, stretching…… or emotional/spiritual by picking an oracle card, following Natures guidance or connecting to the unseen world.

Each morning as I chant in the day I am drawn to look, sense and feel my surroundings. And a BEING will show up, very obviously!  While visiting friends in North Carolina and writing this article, 3 cows from the farm next to us have gracefully and quietly appeared meandering to their morning grazing place. No sound, just an incredible presence.  One of the images below links to Ed, the Cow who shared a beautiful message of wisdom, perhaps you will be drawn to his guidance!

When the guidance/sign appears to you, be still and notice what you feel inside; flow, ease, resistance, a shift in emotions…… all part of the medicine for you to bring awareness to. I receive messages through channeled writing, intuition and visionary experiences. Any of your senses can be your guide as the presence of this BEING shifts the energy around you, creating space for the answers you seek.

How to use the images below:

  • Take a moment to breathe, drop into your heart center and become present
  • Set your focus with a specific question you have, or simply ask for guidance for the day
  • Bring your attention to the images below and keep your question or focus in your heart
  • Click on the image you are drawn to and receive your message from Nature
  • Throughout your day/evening remember to revisit the image of the Animal or Nature Being
  • Feel guided and supported through your heart center
  • Journal to track the date, day and question along with the message you receive will create a way to see the pathway you have opened for yourself through these connections.


We invite you to return often and notice how the messages keep you present and enrich your awareness of the day.  We wish you ease and grace in your exploration of the life you wish to experience.  If you are looking for more support visit our Workshops page, and Awakening the Wisdom Within – Mentorship Program.