A lady recently reached out to me asking questions about animal communication as this concept is new to her.  She had some great questions that had me thinking about all the possibilities that connecting to the wisdom of your animals can bring.

From JG: “Wondering how this works and has helped other horses that appear anxious… has this helped them process and loose the seemingly large amounts of it… is it more beneficial to us as humans or them as horses? Is this something that is beneficial long term like if we get our answers and all is right in the world can you also do it and benefit a horses with seemingly no issues….”

Here is my response, which is what began to birth a new offering for you:

“All great questions. When we enter into communication with any animal it is giving us a viewpoint from their perspective. What we may see as anxious could have a completely different root cause and as we try and fix the anxiety we have missed the root cause and so the anxiety never goes away. Communication opens up channels of conversation that allow both human and animal to be on the same page acknowledging each other in this process. 

This process supports people and their animals because they also reflect us or share in similar history. So healing happens on many levels.

It is important to determine if the anxiety is emotional, physical, behavioral, or nutritional. Then the answers can bring about change. I have worked with horses in all these aspects of anxiety. 

As every animal has wisdom and much to share with us, there is always something to gain from communicating with them. “

JG’s next question was:

Do you ever try to communicate with an animal and not have them willing to open up and communicate back?

My response: “There are ethics and boundaries when communicating with any animal, whether someones companion, in the wild, or in Spirit. 

When permission is asked for and there is no agenda, the animals are content to connect because ultimately they are as much wanting to support your life experiences. Often what brings about a communication is for issues we see in them. I have witnessed animals who are also reflecting our world as they see it. Therefore they love to ‘chat’. I learned many years ago that when I came into a session with any kind of agenda I was potentially blocking what the animal wanted to share over and above the reason for the session from the person’s perspective. “

Learn more about a session here