This is the 2nd part of a 2-part special episode – as a guest on Lynda Adams radio show Living Life with Lynda. We had a profound and in-depth discussion about something we are both so passionate about. LISTEN HERE

Introduction: As an animal advocate, her own animal companions opened a path for her to “do it differently” and seek out alternative options for their health and wellness.  Over 19 years ago, she was guided to create her business Nikoe Natural Therapies and has worked very closely with the animal kingdom during that time experiencing phenomenal healings through the connection and communication the animals share with her.   Her visionary and psychic skills have continued to develop bringing a gift to tell the animal’s story through their eyes. This has proven to provide incredible changes in behavior and adjustment where trauma has previously taken place. In this episode, we continue the discussion about holistic care, healthy food choices, tuning into your pets to discover what is best for them and how to communicate with them.