A huge thank you to the Seacoast Women’s Network for the opportunity to be their Speaker this month.

The topic was: Mentorship and Self Growth Through Animal Communication – it really is a thing!

The women in attendance were heart felt, intuitive business owners who connected with such love to the messages from this presentation. As I shared stories of my personal journey there were moments of tears as i talked about Echoe and Shekinah and aha body chills describing animal communication sessions. Julie shared a beautiful experience and I read an intuitively chosen poem from Sunshine’s book ‘Savour the Taste’.

It was a magnanimous group event.

Thank you to Grill 28 on Pease for a great location and yummy dinner.

If you are looking for an empowered women’s business group, I highly recommend exploring Seacoast Woman’s Network


The amazing connection we have with Nature and ALL Beings brings enlightenment to our world, our life and our navigation through each day.  We are surrounded by such love and wisdom, each moment bringing an opportunity to embrace and honor the guidance we are receiving from these incredible Souls of Light. Sounds Corny, right…… yet somewhere within you this may resonate – chills over your body, warmth in your heart, a resonance with it that transcends understanding.  YES! Welcome to my journey which exploded and launched me in 1999 after choosing to leave my marriage and begin again with an old jeep, microwave, rocking chair, 2 dogs and a horse……choosing to step into an unknown and vulnerable world that was to be my most exponentially transformative experience.

Join me to hear the incredible stories of the many animals who have taught me along the way how to stand up and BE ME!  My animal companions showed me how to heal my heart, begin a business, jump out of 21 years in Corporate and live a life unimaginable.  The gifts we receive often coin the phrase “You can’t make this s#%t up!” when step by step the world opens up in front of you in ways that you could not create and brings belief to a Universe, a Source that is there to provide the way along your path.  Hear how I learned through trial and error to listen to the guidance and know which path to follow and how the animals continue, to this day, in every moment, to teach me, show me and guide me!

In 2008 Michele created the PHUR program (Provide Healing using Reiki) to bring healing and peace to shelter animals.  Michele visited two local shelters every week being invited to work with the more challenging animals.  This volunteer program invited other people to join a sacred circle of healing and once a month we would be gifted animals to work with – they often provided teachings for us as we witnessed them shift/clear their own trauma.


*****  Michele Lowry is an Animal Intuitive and Soul Expansion Facilitator.  She has been communicating with animals since childhood, those animals in her care being her greatest advocates and mentors.  Since 2001 she has focused on creating a life connected to ALL Beings, seen and unseen.  She has studied Reiki (Master/Teacher), Shamanic practices and is an Earth Magic Practitioner.  This commitment to her own healing has expanded her abilities to bring an enlightened, holistic approach and clarity to people and their own animal companions.  From health concerns, behavior changes, and trauma, to senior life, transition and Spiritual connection, Michele guides and facilitates communication as seen through the eyes of the animals.  Profound and astounding shifts are created for the whole family. Michele has published 4 books, all channeled by her own animal companions, bringing ancient and heart based wisdom to us all through life experiences, poetry and profound spiritual awakening.