PART TWO: What is Animal Communication?

Welcome back to Part Two!  Each morning once all the horses are fed and out to pasture, I bring my focus and attention to my miniature horse, named Sunshine.  She has been an incredible guide to opening my heart and living in divine purpose.  She is confident and shows up in all her glory each and every day.  She is opinionated and loves to share her wisdom through poetry.  Sunshine LOVES children and has been witnessed being incredibly soft, gentle and slow moving as the children stand around her sharing their young inquisitiveness and willingness to explore who she is.

On one of our mornings of writing together, I asked Sunshine the question: What is animal communication?

Her initial response was “It is too boxed in…..”  So I asked her to expand on her response and here is what she shared with me from her perspective:

“Telepathic resonance of energy waves, that forms into an ability to use all your (human) senses, to determine the connection and then allow the flow of this energy to form into an understandable level for human based communication.”

I had to read it a couple of times to really feel what she was sharing, and it made total sense to me.  The vibration of human communication is lower than the resonance of how animals and all beings relate and respond to one another.  As species choose to connect with us they do it in a way that adjusts the vibration so we may convert what we are sensing into words. (And I would love to have your feedback also!)

She continues:

“We are in a time now of great change and you are invited to shift into a higher resonance to experience the interaction between species in a different way.

You are already evolved beings and have acquired so much knowledge from your Earthly plane. Your intuitive reach and connection to ALL is expanding each moment.  As you become tuned in to this resonance, the inter-species flow of knowing will be part of everyday life.

Each living element on this Planet will converse from an unconditional, heart rooted place.  Now it is for you to recognize the human blocks that create a belief that separates you from this blissful place, being elevated to a vibration and resonance that fulfills your own reasons for being here on Earth.

Take a look around you and notice what feelings, emotions and mind questions come up for you.  Can you remain in your heart where truth resides and sense the connection through its purity of love, honor and respect?”

Watch a herd of horses, or birds on a pond, your dog’s playing and notice/feel their ONENESS with all.  Now invite yourself to be in the moment with this experience, what do you see, feel, hear, know, sense from simply being focused their interaction with each other and their surroundings.

May these words from Sunshine enlighten you in some way, or validate what you are already living and experiencing in your life.