PART ONE: What is Animal Communication?

I have been questioning this description to explain or label the connection between species and realms for many years.   It always seemed to be easily understood by clients, yet somehow too limiting in the depth of what happens in a session.   The depth and experience of energetically resonating with another being, in my experience, has been way beyond just a communication.

In the dictionary ‘communication’ is described as the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium (ie television).  It also means sending or receiving information, such as phone lines or computers.  Similar words might be ‘transmission’, ‘imparting’, ‘conveying’, ‘reporting’, ‘presenting’ as examples of the meaning of ‘communication’.

Over the past 20 years of consciously connecting with animals, nature, guides and other allies, I have learned that this connection comes from the heart; we are conduits of energy for the wisdom or guidance being shared.  Sometimes what comes through is way beyond words as we know them.  Feelings, emotions, spiritual teachings are all part of this incredible, high vibrational experience.    As human beings our communication skills are vast on many levels, yet often limited when compared to the language of other species.   As a receiver of this communication we can question what is being received or felt, we can judge, or mis-trust, and our minds can talk us out of believing all that we may be receiving.

During our life journey, we are learning how to be in the ONE consciousness with all things, in all realms.  This can encompass our desire to focus more divinely on our own journeys, and our layers of healing are experienced along the way.  Many of these shifts and changes shape who we are becoming, and the lessons learned are immeasurable offering the opportunity to evolve beyond our wildest dreams.

If we are willing to step beyond the mind as we know it, and into our hearts as a pathway to connection, truth and unconditional love, then ‘animal communication’ becomes limiting to the true experience we can have with all things.  Do you live exponentially within your environment, or in a box that has served you well, yet has no windows to a wider experience.  (This would be a topic all of its own!)   How do you see the world around you?  How do you make the choices and decisions that guide your moment, your day, and your goals?  Where do you live; in the past, present or future?  These are all aspects of focus I have learned over 20 years and the lessons have appeared in many different ways, to open my heart  along with my love for my life and surroundings.

As I spend more and more time around animals, nature and other realms, I have learned to be in the moment.  Sure, there are plans for the future, and memories to be remembered and treasured, or released!  The moment is the most enriching place to thrive.   As I watch and witness the animals be fully present, aware of their surroundings, grounded, living exactly as who they are, I can see clearly, now, how to create the same for myself.   And as I focus more on this lifestyle, I find myself attracting the most wonderful people, life opportunities and joy, that continues to surpass the grind that I used to know so well.

The animals that have walked in to my personal life have all brought sincere and unconditional teachings leading me on a beautiful path of discovery.  Each animal has awakened me in some way and each has completed their life with me at a time of great change on my own path.  I have learned about gratitude, sadness and a time for my journey to continue to new and unexpected heights.  As I open to these teachings, so I open to my own evolution; mind, body, heart and soul.  The gifts keep coming and the opportunities astound me.  These opportunities are open to us all, here in this moment, you can open yourself to doing it differently.  As you do, notice what happens around you, the changes, the people, the signs that show up to guide you on your way.  It’s an adventure that keeps giving, and a tool box of choices that continues to grow.

Here is a meditation to invite you to imagine for a moment that there is no separation between you and your own animal companions, nature, earth, sky – all your surroundings.  Sit for a moment outside in a place where you won’t be disturbed (set a timer if you’d like).  And feel your feet on the ground and breathe.  Take in all the details of your surroundings, and breathe.  Close your eyes if you wish and feel the air, the sun, the sounds of nature. Breathe.  If you have a busy mind you can hold a crystal or beads in your hands and have that be a distraction for your mind, it will help to keep you present.  This experience is practice and giving yourself permission to just be in the moment for 5 minutes, 10, 20 – however long feels comfortable to you.  I’d love to hear your experiences and questions.

Let’s bring the ONE consciousness into our lives with more focus, and enrich our life, which in turn will enrich the lives of those around you.