Hindsight is 20/20 – The Amazing Gifts We Receive from Animal Companions

A Message from Sunshine:

“Our animals see their lives
As a continual circle of being,
There is no end and no beginning.
They come to us in times of need
And then depart when their life is complete.
Its beautiful you see, from their point of view
And all they ask is that we see it too!”

Hindsight truly is 20/20!

When Nira guided me step-by-step through his transition, it was a huge eye opener to the difference between how we see their life ending and they see their life cycle to Spirit.  The book highlights the messages I received following his transition, the guidance he shared to take me through his process, and the enlightenment I felt knowing he had given me every opportunity to help him in the best possible way when he was ready to depart his physical body.  The grief, though strong and missing his physical love was very challenging, he had offered me a way of finding peace and contentment at such a difficult time.  In fact for him this was simply the gift of being released from a body that was simply no longer serving him.  He felt trapped and his Soul was unable to fully express itself in the personality and joy I knew of Nira.  The book expanded as it was being written into my journey with Nira over 11 years, and shares how Nira and his father Kobo taught me about the life cycle of our animal companions, their unconditional love and teachings, and their gifts left to us following their transition.

Kobo’s untimely, early transition showed me grief in its deepest form and ultimately ‘kicked’ me into seeking answers. This incredibly sad time began the launch of Nikoe Natural Therapies!

Nira showed me how to honor his request to transition, and the many ways he chose to reconnect with me from the other side. Through these teachings I have better understood this process and since 2006 it has helped me support friends and clients through the time leading to and the transition of their animal companions.

Nira taught me that he wasn’t leaving me, he simply wanted to be freed from his physical body that had become inhibitive to him and his beautiful spirit. When I assisted his passing, he was able to reconnect with me from Spirit in ways that would guide me as I moved forward in my life.

My intent is for this book to bring a sense of knowing and emotional support for how our animals choose to transition and the messages they have for us, for people to find peace in a difficult time of letting their companions go, and how your companions often return from the other side to be with you.

dog:healingDeep Gratitude to Nira and Kobo and Blessings to each of you and your animal companions, wherever they may reside.




To purchase, please send payment of $12.49 per book by check to Michele Lowry, PO Box 1294, Rochester NH 03866-1294 or via PayPal by clicking the Buy Now button below or for multiple copies via PayPal to nikoetherapies@gmail.com, or use Venmo: Michele Lowry @Nikoe-Natural-Therapies

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Thank you to:
Jan Salas and Abbie Parker who volunteered their time as editors
Rose & Jeff Harris, Rebekah Savage for a read through and feedback
Constance Israel for editing services
Diane DeVries of Digrafika for cover design
Steve and Marilyn Carter of Maat Publishing for their incredible knowledge in bringing this vision into reality


“I just finished your book, and I LOVED LOVED LOVED IT!I felt like I was right alongside you for all your adventures” – Lori, ME

“I am reading your book and have met Kobo and am now getting to know Nira… I am soooo loving it…” – Holly, NH

“I thoroughly enjoyed reading your book….” – Jane, ME

Book Signing and Events

Would you be interested in hosting a book signing event with a reading and/or workshop or selling the book?

Please contact me: 207-289-0009 or info@nikoenaturaltherapies.com