Last week during volunteer Animal Communication and Reiki Time at NHSPCA the most unexpected animal was brought in to the shelter.

This mouse was found outside, almost dead by a good citizen. This was a feeder mouse (bred to be fed to snakes). It had a bloated belly and was laying on its side. An appointment to have the mouse humanely euthanised was in progress.

As I sat in the office with Eden Zook and Denise discussing which animals we would be working with that day, I invited the staff to place the mouse in my hands to offer energy work without agenda. No matter the outcome the animal was being held with unconditional love to make its own decisions.

As time went by it was clear this mouse was choosing to live and, in amazement to all present, began to move!  It was astounding to witness this tiny creature choosing life!  And then it peed on my hand, so the insides were working. He was given a tiny piece of cucumber and sat munching on it ravenously. 

And then he began to move around with more gusto….. and had another piece of cucumber. A shelter staff member made up a comfy spot for him to settle into and move around safely. He decided to burrow into the bedding and redesigned his enclosure.

We were all amazed at such a miraculous recovery. This sweet little guy went home with a staff member to be loved and taken care of.

Animals always show us the way when we allow opportunity to be their choice. This tiny creature
brought immense joy to all who had witnessed his recovery.

Moments like this continue to inspire me to volunteer at shelters, offer talks and workshops, and bring awareness to as many people as possible the vast love and wisdom all creatures bring in to our lives!