Michele Lowry, EchoI sat in the shelter with Echoe and Tango today watching the 2nd snow storm of the season here in New Hampshire.  A peaceful, quiet and bonding time that we like to share often.   He asked me if I had my cell phone with me. This is how we communicate as he channels his messages, I have learned to channel through typing.  What fascinates me is that he will watch me as I type, correct me, keep me focused and when his sharing is complete he walks away.  He is clear, concise and continues to remind me during the day to post his words.  Tango Hare Road

Today Echoe shares these words:

“Look out at the view. See the beauty of all that is. Notice how nature twists and turns to beckon the change of the seasons and the weather that Mother Nature brings to create balance and purity, cleansing and clarity. Look at all that she beholds as she heals so that we may continue. Bring gratitude to this day of quiet, calm beauty. Our mother works hard each and every moment of every day. We must take time to honor her work and let her know we recognize all that she does. Don’t underestimate her ability to bring harmony once again to this earth. It has happened before and she has overcome so much. This is a year to bring her all the love, gifts and healing energy you choose to offer.  She is calling on us more now than ever before to step in to our light and our fullest soul purpose. This energy shift will bring much change and positive manifestation and creation to our dear planet.

With a loving heart and a true soul I share this with you. Much love always.” – Echoe, Jan. 24, 2015

Echoe is my equine companion of 16 years.  He continues to teach me about partnership, companionship and understanding of something much bigger.  He is of an ancient soul and comes with much wisdom and knowledge that he wishes to share.  As my own journey and ability to hear him has opened more each year, he has great pleasure in being able to bring his messages to others.  Forever in Gratitude to this incredible being who chose me as his caregiver and partner.  MICHELE