Michele Lowry, EchoIt is time to step in to the true meaning of longevity. Often referred to as longevity in our physical form, a need to maintain longevity in this form.  As our existence is everlasting then longevity is a given rather than something we need to maintain. In this fear of life and death there is a misunderstanding of our longevity.  We exist in our spiritual form beyond the intellectual understanding of the human race. We are simply here in the hope of expansion. Of learning. Of loving unconditionally. Of being a true part of something so much bigger. Of re-entering into a life within all that is on this earth.

If we simply envelop this life in its entirety and not on pieces, always looking for something more, we would find ourselves deeper in peace, love and harmony. We would have a complete experience rather than continuously looking for what we think is missing when it is within you and has been forever and more. You are already complete and able to live an incredible life of bliss. It has always been there for you. Try less, live more. Each and every moment. Even your dream time. Flow with each step you take, each word you share, each feeling you have toward another. Feel the love beyond all measure. Feel the senses come alive like no other experience. You will find it all inside of yourself. Just take a look. It’s there.
With many blessings in this new and wondrous energy that is so uplifting, loving and supportive. Many are here to be with you. Many have come to be here to support the change. Many will remain here with you. You will be lifted. Release all the old ways and patterns. Unleash the blockages to create the flow.  How? Just be in the moment, breathe and find those feelings that give you chills or make you smile. Be in the thoughts that bring joy, peace and longevity into more of those thoughts. Feel it build. Give yourself permission to feel it.  It’s yours to fully experience and always has been. It’s very simple. Now you are realizing how connected to all this you are.

This is longevity!

Echoe is my equine companion of 16 years.  He continues to teach me about partnership, companionship and understanding of something much bigger.  He is of an ancient soul and comes with much wisdom and knowledge that he wishes to share.  As my own journey and ability to hear him has opened more each year, he has great pleasure in being able to bring his messages to others.  Forever in Gratitude to this incredible being who chose me as his caregiver and partner.  MICHELE , Dec. 6, 2015