When I first met Rosie (originally known as Ol’ Lady) at the shelter, I had been asked to do Reiki with her and find out what she may need to bring her to a place of improved health. Rosie was a 15-17 year old stray, black and white cat. At first she was unsure of me. I offered a Reiki bubble of energy around her as a way of introducing myself. After a short time she got out of her bed and came over. She exuded a beautiful, loving energy. I continued to do Reiki with her and had also brought some essential oils to help boost her immunity and balance her gut. She was quite vibrant and open to this healing opportunity.

The following week I returned to the shelter for my regular volunteer time offering Reiki to the animals, I went in to check on Rosie. I opened her door and she came over immediately.   She put her front paws on my chest and connected heart to heart in a very clear, open and deep level.   She wanted to come home with me. Her heart connection with me was almost overwhelming. I explained to her that I already had a cat, Jasmine, at my home and I could only take one cat at a time. I shared Reiki with her and then continued my time at the shelter with the dogs.

Divine timing is a humbling experience and one that I understand to be the ultimate guidance and blessing we have the honor to be a part of. The very next day, Jasmine left for her usual walk around the yard and time outside in the sun. Jasmine never returned home. I knew she had left to transition from this earth, however I had asked the universe to show me her body for my own closure. I found her body the very next day, curled up peacefully on a path where I walk the dogs. I brought her home to bury her and created a shrine to honor all she had shared with me while I had her. Find Jasmine’s full story at: https://www.nikoenaturaltherapies.com/healing/

Apparently, Rosie had some foresight into Jasmine’s passing and had let me know that day she would be coming home with me.   I contacted the shelter to share that I would like to bring Rosie home, they were delighted as they had done all they could and she needed a place to enjoy and be comfortable.   She had become very matted, and so prior to me bringing her home, she was shaved. When I returned for her, I saw how skinny she actually was, she had a pink T-shirt on to help keep her warm. She had fur on her head, her feet and the end of her tail. She climbed into my arms and hugged me, reconnecting through our hearts. She came home that day and would spend the next two weeks sharing her beautiful, loving energy with me and others that she met.

Her health needed much attention, but more importantly to Rosie she wanted to be loved, she wanted to be held; she wanted to curl up and snuggle. She wanted to refill, somehow she had needed to bring her emotional self back in to balance. Each day I would take care of her physical needs and then we would have snuggle time, she was a great distraction from my work as I would spend my evenings sitting with her, giving her Reiki and all the love she could absorb.

With each day, I began to realize that she was actually giving back love 10 fold compared to what she was receiving. She exuded love and offered it freely. As I looked at her skinny, frail body, it was apparent that her emotional/spiritual self was exponentially larger that her physical self. It amazed me that so much unconditional love and tenderness could come from such a physically declining being.

Each night she would lay on my chest to sleep, and would remain there all night – it seemed important to her that we connect that way. It was so soft, so peaceful and I realized that she was healing my heart as she offered me this energy.

Whoever met her was consumed with this unending love she had to offer.   She snuggled, hugged and lay with people. She received Reiki from them and brought incredible peace and smiles to anyone who connected with her. She was BIG LOVING ENERGY – far beyond the size and health of her body.

On SatuHeartrday November 16, at 4:44am as she lay on my chest sleeping with me, I awoke to find her taking gasping breaths; I recognized this as her transitioning out of her body. I held her, breathed deeply and offered her Reiki. I called in Jasmine to be with her as she traveled. After just a couple of minutes she had passed. It was quick and she was exactly where she needed to be so that she was surrounded by love as she left this world. I held her for a while, stroking her and talking with her.   I eventually wrapped her in a blanket and placed her next to a shrine in my bathroom for her to continue her travels. I went back to sleep and during that time she came to me in my dreams. She was vibrant, in full coat and as chatty as anything. She had lots to say and this was validation that she was doing well now. Her body would not now limit her ability to exude love unlike any animal I have spent time with.

The following day, some friends and I laid her to rest and created a shrine to honor her. My friend’s 13 year old daughter, Riley, had a dream that a black and white cat, with a full coat and very vibrant, had come to her the night Rosie had passed. Rosie’s gift to Riley was to heal a fear of cats that had been created a few years earlier. Riley shared that Rosie was the best cat and Riley wasn’t afraid anymore.

Since her passing, there has been a big, empty space in the house. People who have since visited, have mentioned that the loving energy she had shared was missing, they missed the hugs and love that Rosie offered unconditionally.

The mind, body and soul can be unequal in its parts and yet balanced in what it brings as a whole, offering many aspects of awareness, healing, unconditional love, and bonding. Rosie’s desire was to refill and reset the emotional/spiritual part of her being over the healing of her physical body.   She parted feeling full and complete.

I feel very blessed and full of gratitude that I accepted Rosie’s invitation to step in to my life – or perhaps it wasn’t a choice, Rosie had already made that decision.


4:44 The meaning and connection: http://www.templeilluminatus.com/profiles/blogs/the-meaning-of-444