I met Ben during a Reiki Level I class being hosted by Olivia. Ben is a young Golden who is also being trained to be a therapy dog. Olivia has been frustrated because she was guided through a vision that she would meet a dog called Ben and to bring this dog in to her family.  Olivia expected that when Ben showed up that it would be an instant connection, yet she didn’t feel the love and connection. Ben is high energy, puppy inquisitive and chewing on items. He is busy, busy, busy……Ben was present when we began our Reiki class and then after the class Olivia and I chatted for about an hour about how she felt the lack of connection between her and Ben.  We talked about how Ben was offering a reflection of Olivia and he was showing her the areas of her life that could be calmed, shifted and by slowing down, her and Ben would find the connection.  As we continued to chat, Ben was offering a different level of interaction with Olivia.  During the conversation there was a huge shift in Ben’s relationship with Olivia, he began to sit quietly and focus on what she was talking about.  The following day I received this email:

Not sure if you privately exchanged words with Ben after you left or not, but if you did, I wanted to say thank you.

He slept in my arms the entire night and when he woke me up for the bathroom in the morning, he was a completely different dog. 

The usual routine is him waking me up at 6am and bouncing off the walls until we do some form of activity (I usually ask him to work for his food via different obedience commands). After he has had breakfast and been out to the bathroom, he goes bonkers. Chewing on me, barking in my face, pulling my clothes, climbing on my laptop if Im using it etc etc. Basically saying to me “I don’t care what you’re doing or if its important to you but look at me look at me look at me! I have all this energy to get out!”

 This morning, he woke up and started chewing his bone at 6am. I turned on my rain machine app on my phone and he jumped on the bed and went back to sleep. He got up at 8:45am and asked to go out. I was so grateful it was almost 9am and not 6am! I let him out to the bathroom and made a coffee and then gave him breakfast. I then went to my laptop to finish the VFA newsletter. Instead of destructive behavior, he sat and quietly looked at me. Then came up on the couch next to me and just looked at me. I started stroking him and he was so incredibly peaceful and calm. It was AMAZING!!! He has been a gentleman all day and its so refreshing. I told him that I hope he understands that he got allllllll of this love and affection and treats today because he has been such a good boy. I hope he understood me.


‘Response to Olivia via email’………I believe that the conversation we all had (after class) created the shift because I saw it while we were chatting. You felt it too. I’m so happy. This is amazing transformation and connection between the two of you and the timing is perfect. Thank you for sharing.