huskies july 23 Skylar, Raven and Arizona – an amazing transformation and new beginning for three special dogs

When I first met the Huskies, in July 2013, they were in separate kennels, each one huddled in a corner as far from the door as possible.  They were confused, fearful, exhausted.  From outside their kennel I offered them Reiki* and received an incredible connection.  They were not aggressive but were extremely wary of human contact.  These dogs were rescued from a hoarding situation and had never been domesticated.   As fellow volunteer, Sharon and I moved from kennel to kennel I received valuable information from them. Each gave me their name; Arizona, Raven, Skylar.  Native, yet powerful names.  I received visions of their future – Arizona and Raven as sled dogs and Skylar with an older woman.

This was the experience that a manager had early on in their stay at AWS.  “I tried to take one of the huskies out of his kennel today. He tried to get away from me, throwing himself against the walls, hitting the door that connects to the backside of the kennel.  Once I leashed him, he went into panic, flopping around, choking himself.  Karen and I decided to carry each of them to the Training Room, the other 2 acted the same way.  They never tried to bite and have shown no signs of aggression.  We will work with these dogs daily the best we can but I can’t promise we can make them any better/different.”

Senior Animal Tech, Karen, had taken the lead in their enrichment plan and approved us to work with them regularly.  We were thrilled.  This would be the beginning of a twelve week journey preparing these dogs for their future.  Though it was unknown at the time where these dogs would go or if they would adapt to live in society, we had faith that the right situation would present itself.

The following wHuskies Julyeek when Sharon, Susan (another volunteer interested in their well being) and I arrived the huskies were in the Training room so that we could work with them.  I sat close to them and began to offer them Reiki.  They were all closely huddled under the desk.  As the session progressed, they began to relax, spread out and close their eyes.  I used gem stones to provide additional healing.  It was an amazing session in which they truly responded to the healing being offered.  They were very tired and this gave them the chance to feel safe enough to sleep.

After the session we thought we would try them outside, we picked up these terrified dogs lay slack in our arms as we walked out to the pen.  It was their first time in the outside pens. They ran and ran, they looked so good together.  It was decided that they should live together in one kennel so that they had each other’s support.

Sharon had made a deep connection to them. She sat with them for hours; day after day, fed them treats and became accepted by their pack. Karen, and other volunteers also worked with them regularly.  They learned to walk on a leash and feel safer Sharon introduced the huskies to her own two dogs and watched as a pack was formed and the huskies gained even more confidence.

A few weeks later, I offered them another Reiki session in their kennel, I watched as the energy was channeled and they began once again to respond through relaxing and closing their eyes.  I felt that they were doing the best they could in their transition to the shelter and were surrounded by so many who cared so deeply.  It was clear they needed to move on, where would they be best placed to honor them as a pack and to allow them to live within the realms of their brehuskies aug 19ed – they needed a job!

As time went on, Arizona, Skylar and Raven were outside daily, running, playing on the agility equipment and socializing.  They became favorites of staff and visitors who would watch them and listen to them sing: “WoooWoooooWooo.” Their personalities were clearer. Arizona was the calmest, the responsible pack leader.  Skylar was the scout and sometimes clown. Raven, the female, who had been so timid was finding her own courage.  She began and ended their singing together!

Sharon began the search on line for any opportunities and she found Muddy Paw Sled Dog Kennel and Rescue Center in NH. AWS contacted them, Neil and Karen from Muddy Paw came to visit with the Huskies.  After an hour with the dogs they agreed to take them.

Three days later, we received pictures of Arizona, Skylar and Raven happily pulling a sled.  Muddy Paw shared they had settled in and responded well to their human handlers. They have found where they belong.  These dogs showed how perfect synchronicity can provide an incredible story which began with AWS accepting dogs from a hoarding situation, they attracted the attention and love of both staff and volunteers and within 3 months had found their new beginning.

Michele Lowry of Nikoe Natural Therapies has been regularly volunteering at the AWS since October 2011.  On the first Friday of each month, Michele and other volunteers offer Physical Healing Using Reiki (PHUR) for shelter animals.  For more information about her work go to:  To become an AWS volunteer contact

*Reiki translates as universal life energy and is an amazing energy healing method that originated in Japan.   While it has mainly been used for healing people, in more recent years, those who have learned reiki have realized how beneficial this healing system is for their own pets and other animals.