Be beholden to yourself first. Your own fire must be in balance so you have the focus, motivation and energy to support others. Too many of you are giving on an empty tank. Are you tired? Discontented? Unfulfilled? Time to bring your attention home – home to self. Time to rebuild the fire within and witness all that unfolds before you. You have become too scattered in your desire to help others thereby draining yourself in the process. Know you can create change outside of yourself by focusing within. Let your inner beauty, wisdom and intentions come from a place of pure, unconditional love. As you become one within yourself, you will emanate out that energy which will support others in a way that is not depleting to you.

It’s time to recognize the conversations you have with yourself – is there resentment, feeling like a victim, feeling life is taking you in a direction you don’t want to go – and then complaining about it? Are you frustrated, concerned, doubtful, fearful? These conversations will deplete all of the beauty and inner peace that is true to who you are.

Notice when and where you give from a place of need, unworthiness, undeserving, old patterns, ‘its just what I do’.

Each time you notice:
✋ Write down these situations so you can commit to being aware of them and not tuck them away and ‘just deal with it’.
✋ Write down the interactions you have with others and the support you give that is connected to feeling like a victim.
✋ Write down those moments where your thoughts are self sabotaging or coming from the egoic mind!
✋ Write down when you know you are reacting to an experience that is connected to an old pattern or behavior.

Now read it back out loud. Hear how draining these actions are to you, feel how it comes from a place within you, other than your heart. You and only you have the opportunity to create change, to shift into a new paradigm, to respond and act from the heart. Be true to yourself and trust that others are on their own path, they will have their own responses to your shift, honor their reaction. Each of us is on our own path of learning. Be responsible for yourself first!

Your words are full of energy and you have been carrying them as a burden, time to release it. By writing it down you have shifted the burden to outside your body. Now to release it completely:

You will need: a container to hold a candle/flame; a candle; lighter; your written words, drum (a stick on a rock works great) or other instrument, or your own voice

Create quiet time and space for the ceremony

✵ Place the candle in the fire safe container. Light the candle and breathe, ask for support from your ancestors, guides and Mother Earth  as you release these tiring and heavy ways and create openings for the lighter, clearer opportunities.
✵ When you are ready place the paper on the candle so that it may release all your burdens from you.
✵ Breathe, Commit, Trust, Honor – Bring it home! Remain in quiet contemplation as long as you choose.
✵ Allow the candle to continue to burn as you continue your contemplation
✵ Once you feel this is complete, take 5 more minutes (sometimes there are some hidden energies that will come out at this time)
✵ Find a place to dig a hole (either in the earth, or in the snow if the earth is frozen), take the burned papers and place them in the hole.

Ask your guides, ancestors, and mother earth to recycle them into positive energies for the benefit of yourself and others associated with these burdens

Take the time to notice how you feel, be aware of your focus and the inspiration that is now able to flow through you.

Sit in quiet contemplation with the candle and allow the intuitive thoughts to become clearer. Write them down. This will be an ongoing process as your clarity offers you opportunity to create the reality that you always desired, the one you imagined would be for someone else. It’s yours now as it always has been! It’s the blessing and abundance you can now live in each and every day.

Continue day to day to be open to all the amazing opportunities that will be laid out in front of you. Keep your senses sparkling, your awareness alive and watch the magic unfold.

Blessings and love as you step into the coming year of vast change!

ECHOE, Dec. 26, 2016