The floodgates have opened!

Prepare to go deep and clear your mind. The floodgates to your heart have waited patiently for you to be ready to open them. No one ever thinks they are capable of expressing and feeling pure love. Everyone has and at some point in life shut it down. It takes vulnerability, trust and belief to bring yourself to a place where you are willing, knowingly or otherwise, to experience it.

When these gates are open, the flow of life can truly be felt. All the wonders can freely flow to you. Every aspect of your life becomes easier as the blocks and old patterns release and clear the way for you to know, in perhaps just one moment, what open-hearted love feels like.

This is a love that is only found within yourself. It cannot be created by someone else, it is not a void to be filled by another, it is not something you seek from an outside source. This is the journey many take and spend years, sometimes lifetimes finding the one true thing that has always been deep within ourselves.

This pure love comes from a place of connecting to all things true – nature, animal beings, spirit, guides, ancestors. All things created to bring harmony to our life of experiences.

Humanity continues to seek answers from outside of themselves. Listening to mentors, teachers and those sharing their life stories have purpose and meaning. It is an opportunity to put into action those methods, those moments of meditation, those loving times you have known and bring the vibration and energy into your own being.

Others cannot bring this harmony into your life. It is for you to seek the answers. There will always be those who create sacred space and assist in bringing your attention to your resistance to change or your old patterns that once served you. Ultimately, the healing is your own. It is a powerful and undeniable experience that brings harmony, peace and a sense of clarity.

As your heart floodgates open so life opens. As you trust in the process so life brings you validation. As you find peace within you so the blocks dissipate and the resistance melts away.

To find within yourself the love only you can know is to find meaning and purpose. If you continue to play out the old patterns, begin to notice through your actions and words that your record is stuck in the same story, just different characters!

As you recognize all of these patterns, catch them and STOP. Take a moment to ask for a release of theses old ways so you may see your true self. Each time you feel the old, ask for a release. Breathe in the new experiences through your heart center. Open, clear, release.

Life is knocking on your door, it’s time to unlock the bolt, release the chain, and open the door to the wonders of this world.

All is in Divine order, always. We are all one, therefore as you focus on yourself so others will feel the shift. This is the key to change humanity and live fully in this higher more vibrant energy that is here for all of us to experience.

Much love always,
Echoe, April 12, 2017