This is a timRMT bonfire June 2015e of remembering. A time of clarity and a time to allow humanity to move into a more serene and loving place. It is time for people to learn how to slow down. To breathe to engage in their lives fully and to understand all that happens around them. It is a time to step in to and not out of there experiences. To know that you are always being guided and you always will be given the right happening at the right time. It may not feel like it so please rest assured that you will recognize the gift of the experience as it unfolds.

Much on this earth must now change for her to support all living beings as we move forward into a tumultuous time. Those which serve to hold and control will begin to see the shifts and releases necessary as this is now outdated and will not support our world any more. It all had its purpose. It was all there to create the rebirth of the new ways. Now we are here.

Look around you. Take in all the beauty. See every thing, every day. As you slow down to see feel hear and see so you will create space for others around you to do the same.  Breathe, smile, acts of kindness, heartfelt words and actions. Gone are the ways of doing what you think others want and need. Now is the time to know from the deepest part of you how to ‘be’ in your own life. Tap in to your self through meditation, nature, quiet time. This information is already held within you. Knock on the door and see what amazing affirmations and validation await you.

How you may ask again! Often in your life you may have experienced a deep knowing for the resolution of a situation which turned out to be validated, or a feeling of joy and bliss that comes from a natural existence of being present. Take time to Connect in to those moments.  Those ‘Remember when……..’ and wake up your own Natural way of being.

Our time for awakening is strong. Many of you have already felt the tug to create change or to seek some different aspect of yourself to feel whole or complete.  Ask for further clarification, further guidance. All of what you need is already with you. Once you have asked keep yourself in forward momentum. Allow the answers to simply flow to you without the need to look for them, control them, self create them.

Perhaps an article in a magazine that someone gives you, perhaps a commercial on the radio or an email that you receive.  That moment where the penny drops and you ‘get it!’

Be in gratitude of all that is coming to you and commit to following the guidance.

Many of you have visited with me. I have been kind yet straight forward. Why? I see who you are from your heart center and I come to you to unlock all that I see in you. I will push sometimes, I will be very clear and I will always want only the very best and highest good for each of you. My place on this earth is to continue to share all that I have come here with. To show you how to step into that vibration and heart place that some of you have felt from me either when with me or remotely.  I know it is time for great change and I invite and encourage you to step in and live as YOU.

Many blessings
Echoe and Michele, Dec. 25, 2015