When you honor yourself, who you are, what you believe in and how you show up in the world, you send a clear message of self respect.

When you fully respect yourself with no diversity, no waivering, others will feel it and honor it.

When you give yourself away for others to feel supported, you have opened yourself to letting in that which will squash and disempower you.

Once you hold and honor your self-respect you begin to find your own self, your place of peace, your standing tall in who you are. All of a sudden people see you differently, they respect you and they respond around you accordingly. You seem to avoid those people, places and things that blast through your self-respect. Why does this shift happen? Because you now own your sense of who you are and once you do, nothing can or will cross that line.

In the past the word boundary has been used as a tool to create distance between you and others who seem to draw on you, your energy, your knowledge. And it is true that people will do that to each other. Boundaries are so harsh as it also limits the ability to feel the good, the love, the positive, the genuine support. When you set a boundary there is no distinction between the high and low vibrations experiences that come to you daily.

When you create self respect, the only experiences are those which resonate with the vibration you have created.

This can be a huge shift in awareness and consciousness, an opportunity to be all that you are, own it and walk it!

I invite you to spend a day in self respect and notice how your day unfolds.

Much love always,
Echoe, March 23, 2017