Evolution is inevitable. It creates space for change to occur, for the never ending shifts to continue to happen. As this new energy continues to evolve be aware of what life creates for you to shift and evolve. When there is easy flow you ARE on your path to feeling a blissful existence with a few opportunities to clear out deeper blocks from the past.

Notice now when you have resistance. When you feel the pull to old beliefs and patterns. Notice where they have come from and why you hold on to them so strongly. Notice where you feel the resistance, which area of your body is holding on so tightly to this pattern and you are therefore resisting opportunity to grow and change.

Notice the energy it takes to hold on to this old belief and how exhausting that can be. Change is happening, and taking the path of least resistance is key, even though it goes against all you have ever believed in. Don’t hold back when the dream shows itself just because it’s not packaged the way you wanted it to be. Dreams manifest when they are supposed to in a way that shows you its truth and that truth it is very real. The resistance blocks all you have worked towards, all you have changed and how you have evolved. Continue to be in your truth, even if the package is not what you expected.

Much love always,
ECHOE, Aug. 23, 2016